Import TEM data from HGG WalkTEM
Data examples an this guide in pdf is attached.
Folder structure
The main project folder contains a number of folders where each of these contain a number of subfolders, one for each sounding/station (often named Flightx).
An example:
Each of the Flight folders must contain:
- A HGG WalkTEM ini file (See next page for description). There is an option on the GUI to copy a ini-file to all station folders.
- One or more RwB files
- One or more sps files
Step-by-step guide
- Either go to File --> Import in SPIA and choose import data in HGG WalkTEM format and load the data file, or go to the SPIA installation folder and run the HGGWalkTEMimporter.exe file.
- Browse for the folder where the data folder is located. In the example above it is the folder named Data.
- The “Convert Hardware Channel” function is ignored during import.
- Choose if all flight folders have a ini file or if the user want to copy a ini-file into all flight folders.
- Choose if data from all dates should be imported or only for selected dates. Select the dates.
- Click convert to import the data.
Furthermore, the data will be put in a gdb database which will be placed in the Data folder. If a gdb file already exists, it will be overwritten.
If the list of dates appear empty, check the properties of the files in Windows. If the files does not allow indexing, have been compressed or encrypted, this will prevent the data from being visible.
WalkTEM ini file
[Header] Version=1 SoundingGroupName=TX03 %This named is ignored. The Data folder name will be used. SoundingName=Flight1 %This name is ignored. The name will automatically be ?date1_01?, ?date_01_02?, date2_01? etc. SoundingNumber=1 [Instrument] SerialNo=SN TBD SWVersion=SW TBD GateTimeShiftLM=-0.9e-6 %Calibration factor GateTimeShiftHM=-0.8e-6 %Calibration factor GateFactorLM=2.00 %Calibration factor GateFactorHM=2.00 %Calibration factor InstrumentFilter=4.500E+05 InstrumentFilterOrder=1 [Config] NTurns=1 LoopSizeX=40 LoopSizeY=40 TXHMTurnOn=800E-06 %Waveform TXHMTurnOff=9E-06 %Waveform TXLMTurnOn=100E-06 %Waveform TXLMTurnOff=5.6E-06 %Waveform TXPosX=0 TXPosY=0 RXPosCh1X=0 RXPosCh1Y=0 RXPosCh2X=0 RXPosCh2Y=0 RXCoilFilterCh1=1.500E+05 RXCoilFilterOrderCh1=1 CableLengthCh1=33 RXCoilFilterCh2=1.500E+05 RXCoilFilterOrderCh2=1 CableLengthCh2=33 CoilAmpGainCh1=700 CoilAmpGainCh2=700 UseCh1=1 UseCh2=0