Import TEM data from TEMFast
Data examples an this guide in pdf is attached.
- Either go to File --> Import in SPIA and choose import data in TEMFast format and load the data file, or go to the SPIA installation folder and run the TEMFastimporter.exe file.
- Browse for a .tem file. If there are more .tem files in the same directory, select Convert all TEMFAST files in this directory.
- Specify the UTM zone (EPSG) from the dropdown and press convert.
- Now the .tem files has been converted to USF files. Browse for the new USF Files and press import.
TEMFAST ini file
In the installation folder of SPIA, a TEMFAST.ini file is located. This file should only be changed if the user has any calibration information which can be used.
[Instrument] GateTimeShift=7.630E-06 Shift on gate times GateFactor=1.010E+00 Shift on signals [Config] CurrentTolerancePercentage=25 Channel numbers are set based on TEMFAST time range and current. Allowthis tolerance (in percent) on currents which should be considered equal. SkipSweepCurrentLimit=0.2 Skip sweep if current is smaller than this. SkipNoOfPointsAfterRamp=4 Skip this number of points after the gate. LOW_PASS=400000, 1 Low pass filter.