Section, Batch Processing
It is often useful to setup one master section with all relevant layers and then copy this setup to other sections.
Rather than doing so on a section by section basis, it can be done in batch. And it is also possible to do several other practical things to a selection of sections.
From the top the options are:
- The Select master section dropdown sets the master section that will be applied to the selection of sections.
- The window below is used to setup the selection of sections. Use shift+click to select a range of sections, or ctrl+click to select individual sections. It is also possible to select a range of section while holding the mouse button down. Then right-click to check the selected sections.
- Several different Actions can be done to the selected sections and they can be combined.
- Delete all layers remove all layers from the selected section. This is often useful for cleaning up sections before doing some of the other actions.
- Copy layers add all layers from the master section to the selected section.
- Synchronize selection show and hide the layers on the sected section identical to the master section.
- Synchronize size and axis works just like the synchronize option on sections. The extent of the master section and the axis setup of the master section is copied to the selected section.
- Save section bitmaps save a bitmap (BMP) to a profileimages folder the workspace folder based on section extent and Print setup.
- Save section PNGs similar to above just with PNG files.
- Delete selected sections and their profiles in the Workspace Explorer.
- Delete all layers remove all layers from the selected section. This is often useful for cleaning up sections before doing some of the other actions.
- The Print setup dropdown is used in the creation of bitmaps and PNGs.
- The simplest solution is to use Screen Size. It will create images that are very close to the original sections in appearance.
- With Fixed size, the Print width, Print height and Print resolution of the vector based graphics can be adjusted. The aspect ratio between width and height is not preserved here, so this can distort the labels to the point of making them unreadable.
- With Fixed scale, the Print resolution, X-axis scale and Vertical exaggeration of the vector based graphics can be adjusted.
The two later options will generally require the sections to be setup in a different way than what looks nice on the screen. In particularly so when trying to use Fixed scale with a high Print resolution. The best results are usually found by setting up the longest section and then using the same values for shorter sections, just with more empty white space at the end.
It can be relevant to understand that everything is defined either by its real world position or a difference in pixels on the section.
- If the Print resolution is doubled, this doesn’t affect the positions, but it will half all distances on the section defined in pixels. This include widths such as the bar widths, border widths, line widths and grid line widths. It also include several label distances used when showing boreholes.
- If the X-axis scaling is doubled, this doesn’t affect the pixels, but it will half all horisontal and vertical distances on the section. This is the overall size of the image and the distance between anything on the section that is not defined by a difference in pixels.
- If the Vertical exaggeration is doubled, this again doesn’t affect the pixels, but it will half all vertical distances.
- If the Print resolution is doubled, this doesn’t affect the positions, but it will half all distances on the section defined in pixels. This include widths such as the bar widths, border widths, line widths and grid line widths. It also include several label distances used when showing boreholes.
- The simplest solution is to use Screen Size. It will create images that are very close to the original sections in appearance.
Press OK to start the batch processing with the given settings.